400 Students In Lugari Awarded Full Scholarships


The Lugari National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) has awarded full secondary school education scholarships to 405 bright but needy students joining schools within the constituency.

A section of learners who have been awarded full scholarship by the Lugari National Government Constituency Development Fund lift high the Sh50 million dummy cheque at Lumakanda Grounds.

Area MP Nabii Nabwera, speaking at Lumakanda Grounds while seeing off Form 1 learners to their respective schools, noted that the beneficiaries will have their four-year school fees fully paid.

Nabwera reminded the students of their obligation to ensure they score higher grades at the end of the four years.

He said, ‘I want to thank God that I can see over 400 young people who had almost given up regaining their hope. They will now get education and, later on, come back and change the lives of their parents and the general community. I encourage you to challenge yourself and make the best use of this opportunity.’

said students who didn’t qualify for the scholarships will have a chance during the awarding of bursaries.

‘The total amount we are investing in the scholarships and bursaries in conjunction with the Kenya Commercial Bank-Webuye branch is Sh50 million. The NG-CDF is contributing Sh44 million, while the bank is giving us Sh6 million,’ he explained.

The MP dismissed those comparing Lugari to other older constituencies that started making good use of the Constituency Development Fund kitty decades ago.

‘We are doing what other people did before we invented and started the kitty. We should be having thousands of students sponsored right now. However, there is always the first step,’ reiterated Nabwera.

The first-time lawmaker challenged teachers, parents, students, and other stakeholders to complement each other by proactively playing their respective roles and ensuring better results are achieved for society to move forward.

Members of the County Assembly present at the function, including Bernard Bokanda (
Lumakanda), Titus Kwoma (Chekalini), Dan Mukwami (Lwandeti), and Balex Pius (Chevaywa), hailed the MP, saying he has given education in Lugari a new meaning.

They said the initiative will play a critical role in uplifting education standards in the constituency; hence, the beneficiaries should make good use of the opportunity.

The leaders further urged all stakeholders to work together and accord the children the best learning environment for them to excel in their studies.

While reminding parents to take their rightful position in their children’s education, Kwoma said education is the only equaliser, and it is only through higher grades that they can eradicate poverty amidst them.

On his part, Balex challenged the learners to work hard and get excellent grades as a reciprocation for the scholarships.

Lugari Sub County Director of Education Magdalene Igwatai lauded the MP for his efforts in transforming the constituency’s education sector, noting that the constituency is set to have an increased number
of students transiting to tertiary institutions.

She said the scholarships are in line with the Ministry of Education policy of access, retention, and transition because, for the next four years, the beneficiaries will not drop out due to lack of school fees.

Igwatai urged parents and guardians to strive to provide the students with the basics and a conducive learning environment now that the school fees have been fully paid.

She urged the school principals to ensure they bring out the best in students joining their institutions.

Lugari Kenya Secondary Schools Headteachers Association (KESHA) Chairman David Makokha lauded the MP’s scholarship programme, saying education is the best investment that will play a key role in transforming the future of the children.

He urged the students to utilise the opportunity to change their lives and those of their families by working hard and realising their dreams.

Lugari Kenya Primary Schools Headteachers Association (KEPSHA) Chairman Andrew Tobias Omusale asked the
parents to be responsible and play their role now that the MP is paying all the school fees.

Parents and guardians of the scholarship beneficiaries expressed their joy, terming the initiative a God-sent opportunity.

They thanked the MP for the support, saying their children will now go to school without interruption for four years.

Source: Kenya News Agency