Achille Emana’s ex-girlfriend leaks player’s nudes on day his mother is buried


Former Indomitable Lion, Achille Emana’s naked pictures have been circulating online, after his ex-girlfriend leaked the nudes and made a long voice note castigating the former footballer at the time he grieved his mother’s death.

Achille lost his mother, Maryvonne Eyango, on April 2, in Toulouse, France, and was accompanied by friends and family members on Saturday, April 27, for the funeral in the Leboudi neighbourhood in Yaounde.

On the same day of the burial, the player’s ex-girlfriend diverted attention from the funeral to his sex tapes which she leaked with a voice recording.

In the long voice note, the ex-girlfriend described Achille as an irresponsible and ungrateful man. She said she has done many favours for the player which he has never appreciated, adding that he is an alcoholic and mocking him saying he is ‘bad in bed’.

The woman’s act has been condemned by many, and considered disrespectful to the player’s late mother. However, Achille, 41, is not new to controversial relationship matters since his career ended in 2020.

The former attacking midfielder had 42 caps with the national team, and played for Toulouse, Betis and several other clubs in Arab countries, as well as in Japan and Mexico.

Source: Cameroon News Agency