Administrator Urges Collaboration To Improve Security In Schools


School principals in Makueni County have been asked to collaborate with National Government Administrative Officers (NGAO) in an effort to improve security in their institutions, area County Commissioner (CC) Mr. Henry Wafula says.

Consequently, Wafula said the head teachers should work closely with security agencies to improve the security of learners within the schools and the surrounding.

‘The close collaboration of NGAO and school heads, will enhance the protection of students and their belongings and the non-teaching staff in the school hence mitigate the risk of any loss of property,’ said Wafula while addressing principals and heads of secondary and primary schools at Makueni Boys on Tuesday.

On sponsorship, the administrator warned individuals who took advantage of poor girls that the government will take stern measures if they are found exploiting them sexually.

During the event, he also warned men found defiling minors and also involved in incest, will be dealt with according to the law of the l

Wafula further said that individuals who will be found selling drugs and bhang to students will face the full force of the law.

Speaking at the same function, Makueni County Police Commander Alice Kimeli asked school heads to implement a biometric system to monitor students when they access and exit school in order to improve security.

The head teachers were led by the Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA) Julius Mutwii who asked the teachers to involve students in issues of security.

Source: Kenya News Agency