Aggression in Gaza: National Bar Association to file complaint with ICC


The Tunisian National Bar Association said Wednesday the first meeting of the legal committee formed on Tuesday would be convened to certify the crimes committed by the Zionist entity, file complaints and bring cases against Zionist leaders before the International Criminal Court. The Lawyers association on Tuesday announced the formation of a legal committee composed of specialists, including lawyers, historians and sociologists, as well as representatives of national organisations and the National Committee for Supporting the Palestinian Resistance. They will be responsible for listing the violations committed by the Zionist entity and filing a complaint with the International Criminal Court to investigate the genocide committed in Gaza and the Palestinian territories and to prosecute the Zionist leaders and military. According to a press release, the Bar association decided to send letters to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the European Union ambassador in Tunis and all the ambassadors of countries supporting the Zionist attack on the Palestinian people, in protest at “the shameful positions adopted in the face of genocide and crimes against humanity, as well as the double standards”. The Bar Association denounced the position of “complicit bystander to the war waged by the Zionists against the Palestinian people”. It also declared the rest of the week as “days of rage” against Zionist war crimes and called on all lawyers to demonstrate this Wednesday in all governorates and take part in protests to be decided by the regional sections. The Lawyers House will be open to receive financial and material donations.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse