Alternative tourism accommodation accounts for 9% of local market penetration (survey)


Tunis: A quantitative and qualitative survey carried out by “Emrhod Consulting” has revealed a steady growth in alternative and sustainable accommodation, representing 9% of the local market penetration rate and a wide variety of offers.

The survey focused on the state of alternative tourism accommodation in Tunisia. The results were presented at a round table in Carthage, Tunis, on Tuesday.

It recommended the creation of a flexible regulatory framework in line with global tourism trends of this type, facilitating the support of investors and stakeholders and helping them to keep pace with this emerging trend.

This two-stage study (clients and then professionals) allowed Tunisians to examine their perceptions of this type of stay and their needs, and to assess the prospects for market development.

According to the study, 35% of investors have been active in the sector for more than four years. In addition, 78% of clients are foreign tourists and 71% are families. The study found that 39% of Tunisians cons
ider the prices of alternative tourist accommodation to be reasonable, while 22% consider them to be high.

The study also revealed that 34% of Tunisians tend to use such accommodation for family events and gatherings, while 44% use it for socialising with friends and 52% for relaxation.

In light of this study, the professional association of alternative residences will present an action plan to promote and develop all destinations in the different regions of the country, with the aim of increasing diversity and renovation, offering quality services and reducing regional disparities.

Houssem Ben Azzouz, President of the Tunisian Tourism Interprofessional Federation, told TAP that this meeting will be followed by the implementation of a joint plan involving all the stakeholders in the sector, in particular the Prime Ministry and the Ministries of Agriculture and Culture.

The study, carried out at the request of the Tunisian Tourism Interprofessional Federation in collaboration with the National Tourist Offi
ce (ONTT), was the first of its kind and will be followed by another study on foreign tourists.

Helmi Hassine, director general of the ONTT, told TAP that alternative accommodation includes everything outside the scope of traditional hotels, which are deeply rooted in Tunisia and are subject to several conditions, including environmental protection, agricultural land, heritage and compliance with municipal regulations.

He stressed the importance of joint action to develop tourism, particularly sustainable tourism based on alternative accommodation, which is seen as a driving force for employment, attracting tourists and exploiting the wealth of these regions, potentially creating economic dynamism and enhancing Tunisia’s cultural and heritage assets.

One of the strategic objectives of the Ministry of Tourism is to move from authorisation systems to specifications, which would encourage investment in the sector, provided that the project meets current standards.

Speaking to TAP news agency, Anne de Chambri
er, deputy director of international cooperation at the Swiss embassy in Tunisia, said that this meeting was an opportunity for stakeholders in the sector and authorised and unauthorised alternative accommodation to discuss the realities of the sector, stressing that Tunisia has a great wealth of alternative accommodation.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse