AMR-Burkina launches the 2nd edition of the Peace Cup in the North


The Rural World Association (AMR-Burkina) launched Sunday on the field of sector 2 of Ouahigouya in the North region, the 2nd edition of the Maracana football cup, noted an AIB journalist.

As part of the implementation of the Community Recovery and Stabilization Project for the Sahel (PCRSS-Burkina), AMR was selected as a facilitating partner for the implementation of project activities in the Sahel and Northern regions.

The AMR, by organizing the Maracana football tournament under the theme “Sport, factor of peace and social cohesion”, aims to promote the bonds of fraternity and living together between communities. In his speech before the match, Salif Sawadogo, head of mission of PCRSS-North on behalf of the national coordinator of AMR, indicated that sport and in particular football helps to rebuild the social fabric because it is a factor of mobilization, distraction, mixing, strengthening of bonds of friendship, peace and social cohesion. “I call on the youth of the municipalities concerned by the tou
rnament to get involved in this activity in fair play, in a spirit of social cohesion and return of peace.”

For the launch of this 2nd edition of the peace tournament, the team of “Kamo” and that of the “administrative building” of Ouahigouya crossed the crampons in the presence of several of all ages coming from the different localities. At the end of a very pleasant match, the two teams separated on a score of 1 goal each.

The High Commissioner of Yatenga Tasséré Nacoulma who presided over the ceremony, congratulated both teams for the fair play that prevailed throughout the match before inviting those who are competing to give their best to achieve the objectives of the tournament. Mr. Nacoulma made a special mention to the AMR and its financial partner, the PCRSS, for the organization of the competition.

This sporting activity will pit youth teams from the nine (09) northern communes covered by the PCRSS, namely Gourcy, Arbollé, Ouahigouya, Ouindigui, Yako, Titao, Barga, Thiou, Namissiguima. The compet
ition having been launched, the final is scheduled to be played in early October 2024 in Yako in the Passoré province.

The activity chaired by the High Commissioner of Yatenga Tasséré Nacoulma, had at his side the regional and provincial officials in charge of sports and leisure.

Source: Burkina Information Agency