An NGO has constructed 180 toilets in Nyandarua County


Toilet Africa Initiative, a Non -Governmental Organization has boosted toilet hygiene through construction of over 700 toilet facilities across the country.

The organization has also constructed 180 toilet facilities in Nyandarua County targeting local community, market places as well as learning institutions.

Chief Executive Officer, Toilet Africa Initiative, Ms. Josephine Wachera the commissioning of the construction of a toilet facility at Mahindu Early Child Development Centre at Mithanduku village in Kipipiri Ward, pointed out that the idea of constructing toilets for the community was hatched after observing the suffering of the elderly and school going children due to lack of toilets or poor and unfriendly toilets exposing them to infections.

‘Good toilet facilities are very crucial in boosting hygiene in our learning institutions especially to our girls during their menses,’ noted Ms. Wachera.

She also pointed out that good toilet facilities in learning institutions and at home are not only benef
icial to the school going children but also to the elderly who may be having underlying conditions such as arthritis among other diseases.

The CEO called upon the government and well-wishers to come on board and fast track the construction of toilet facilities to hence good hygiene.

During the commissioning of the construction of the toilet, the organization donated beddings, clothes and food stuff to 521 elderly men and women.

Area Member of County Assembly, Mr. Paul Ngeche appreciated the gesture shown by the organization and promised to work closely with such likeminded organizations, government and other well-wishers in helping the needy in the community.

Mr. Ngeche retaliated that to complement the work being done by Toilet Africa Initiative he will soon fast track the opera ionization of a Sh8.3 million bore hole in Kipipiri ward for clean water supply in the ward.

Source: Kenya News Agency