ARP passes budget of Ministry of Culture for 2024


Members of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) adopted the budget of the Ministry of Culture for 2024 on Thursday afternoon with 119 votes in favour, 11 against and 12 abstentions. The budget is set at around TND 414.3 million compared to TND 395 million in 2023, up almost TND 19.3 million.

The budget of the Ministry of Culture represents 0.69 per cent of the total budget allocated to the various Tunisian ministries, which is estimated at TND 59.805.

The Ministry of Culture’s expenditure is divided into four specific programmes: the Arts Programme (TND 55,607,000), the Books and Reading Programme (TND 32,510,000), the Cultural Action Programme (TND 70,704,000) and the Heritage Programme (TND 78,151,000), in addition to the expenditure of the Steering and Support Programme (TND 177,328,000).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse