Baccalaureate 2023/Main session: Success rate stands at 36.38 % (Boughdiri)


The success rate in the main session of the 2023 Baccalaureate exam stands at 36.38%, Education Minister Mohamed Ali Boughdiri announced Friday.

Out of 137,906 applicants, 95,05% had sat for the exam, 31.09% of whom will re-sit and 31.91% had failed, he told TAP.

The success rate per section is as follows: 21.46 % in arts, 71.26 % in mathematics, 41.32 % in experimental sciences, 28.29 % in economics and management, 44.35 % in technical sciences, 54.89% in computer sciences and 70.25% in sports.

The best score achieved in the main session of the 2023 baccalaureate is 19.75, according to the Education Ministry.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse