Bad Cheques: Ministry of Justice examines draft law


A working session was held on Monday at the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice to examine the draft law amending the provisions of Article 411 of the Commercial Code, which regulates the system of bad cheques.

Minister of Justice, Leila Jaffel, was quoted in a press release from the ministry as saying that the draft law aims to support the role of the judiciary in promoting the national economy.

It is also part of a project to develop legislation on business law, taking into account the social and financial conditions of economic operators and business owners, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

According to the same press release, the Minister stressed that her department attaches particular importance to this bill, adding that the issue of bad cheques is being closely monitored by the President of the Republic.

That bill aims to strengthen the security and reliability of the processing of bank cheques by establishing the responsibility of banking institutions.

The bill also seeks to modify the legal regime governing cheques by regularising the situation of the debtor while preserving the rights of creditors to repay outstanding debts.

As a reminder, that bill is being studied by the Legislative Committee of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP), which will then submit it to a vote and approval by the plenary session.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse