Beja hosts forum on youth employment under “Jamil.Net” programme


BEJA: A forum on youth employment was organised on Friday at the Beja youth centre, at the initiative of the association “Tajdid wa Intimaa” (renewal and belonging).

During the event, participants reviewed training programmes and new trends in the job market, and partnerships were forged between the various players in the job market.

Stands were also set up to present job offers, project ideas and support mechanisms for private initiative for young people in the governorate of Beja.

The forum is part of the “Jamil.Net” programme, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) and implemented between 2022 and 2025, Association President Salwa Mekni told TAP.

The programme focuses on the digitisation and media sectors, and aims to support 300 young people in the region, she added.

The Jamil.Net programme’s mechanisms for supporting employment and employability are based on support for the professional integration programme, the creation of projects related to media and information education, and the integra
tion of young people into the job market, through scholarships and training sessions, she explained.

On the agenda of forum, specific workshops on CV writing, job interviews, networking and capacity building.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse