Beja-Local elections: candidates in Dour Ismail promise to develop Infrastructure and promote agriculture sector


Candidates in the second round of the local elections representing the electoral constituency of Dour Ismail under the delegation of Goubellat (Governorate of Beja), Lazhar Mhamdi (105 votes, or 48.84% of votes in first round) and Mohamed Hajri (43 votes, 20% of votes), spoke of the need to develop the local infrastructure.

Candidate Lazhar Mhamdi, a civil servant, promised to upgrade roads and rural tracks, provide agricultural loans to farmers, ensure fairer distribution of fodder and promote school transport in rural areas.

He also promised to focus on regularizing the land situation of unexploited agricultural areas.

Candidate Mohamed Hajri spoke of asphalting roads in the area, generalizing public lighting, solving the problem of drinking water supply as well as preserving the environment.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse