Ben Rejeb calls in Durban for creation of African centre for digital trade


Minister of Trade and Export Development Kalthoum Ben Rejeb called in Durban, South Africa, for the creation of an African centre for digital trade, in order to organise this sector at the continental level, according to a department press release issued on Wednesday.

Taking part in the 13th African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Council of Ministers meeting, held on January 30-31, 2024 in the South African city, the minister said on Tuesday that the AfCFTA is a historic opportunity to convert Africa into an economic force, enhance continental economic integration and promote trade and sustainable development in the continent’s countries.

She emphasised in this connection the important role of digital trade in facilitating trade between African countries and the integration of women and young people into economic channels.

Ben Rejeb also called for the adoption, under the AfCFTA, of rules of origin that would help develop the textile and clothing sector, create jobs across the continent and boost re
gional value chains, mainly by using raw materials available in sufficient quantities in Africa, notably cotton.

In the margins of the meeting, Ben Rejeb had bilateral talks with her counterparts from a number of African countries, notably South Africa, Senegal, Chad, Djibouti and Nigeria, as well as with AfCFTA Secretary General Wamkele Mene.

Talks focused mainly on ways to speed up the implementation of this agreement, in order to help achieve the continent’s development goals.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse