Bouderbala proposes formation of a committee to amend number of provisions of rules of procedure


Speaker of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP), Brahim Bouderbala, proposed during a meeting of the ARP’s Bureau on Thursday the formation of a committee bringing together representatives of all parliamentary blocs and whose mission will be to submit proposals to amend the rules of procedure in order to improve the organisation of parliamentary work.

These proposals will then be examined at the next meeting of the presidents of the parliamentary blocs in the first two weeks of September.

It should be noted that Parliament held its seventh and final plenary session of the first parliamentary term on Monday.

The members of the Bureau examined a draft text on the integration of unemployed university graduates over the age of 40 in the public sector and civil service.

The draft was submitted to the Committee on Strategic Planning, Sustainable Development, Transport, Infrastructure and Urbanisation.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse