Burkina: Bookstore Gives School Kits and Scholarships to Disadvantaged Students


The HO.FI.O bookstore organized on Saturday in Ouagadougou, a caravan for the free distribution of school kits to 125 students and 10 school scholarships worth 50,000 CFA francs each, to underprivileged students.

The HO.FI.O bookstore provided a total of 125 underprivileged students with school kits and 10 of them also each received a school scholarship worth 50,000 FCFA to reward their excellent academic results.

76 of the 125 students have already benefited from the same gesture during the past school year and were renewed this year to reward the good results obtained at school. The other 49 have just joined the school kit distribution caravan for the 2024-2025 school year.

Among the 76 beneficiary students of 2023, 10 passed the CEP, including 4 at the entry into sixth grade, 1 passed his BEPC exam and entered the second grade.

For the director of the HO.FI.O bookstore, Estelle Yaméogo, the school kit distribution caravan is an initiative that aims to provide school books to children whose parents enc
ounter difficulties in taking care of their school supplies on the one hand, while promoting activities related to books and children’s education on the other hand.

Mrs. Yaméogo assured that the HO.FI.O bookstore had taken steps with the parents of the beneficiary students as well as the students themselves, to inquire about the difficulties affecting their academic peace.

According to her, it emerged from these meetings that in addition to the need for school kits, problems of schooling, supervision, school monitoring, health and income-generating activities were raised.

“Thus, the bookstore initiated literary and leisure vacations to meet these needs. In total, 10 students were able to participate free of charge in this activity, the participation fees of which amounted to 20,000 FCFA per child. It is also in this spirit that school scholarships worth 50,000 FCFA per child were established for this school year,” she confided.

Estelle Yaméogo urged the beneficiaries to “work hard at school” in order to o
btain better academic results, the only condition in her opinion to continue to deserve the bookstore’s favors such as vacation camps, kits and school scholarships.

The director of the HO.FI.O bookstore also assured parents of her willingness to always continue to support them in caring for their children.

In this sense, she indicated that a framework for supporting and monitoring beneficiaries will be set up with a library and supervisors to support the children.

The event’s patron, Aristide Pierre Yaméogo, promised to continue to support students in difficulty and urged them to work and achieve academic excellence.

It should be noted that Mr. Yaméogo has been accompanying this caravan since its first edition and has decided to fully cover the students’ school scholarships up to 500,000 FCFA.

Parents’ representative, Alizèta Ouédraogo, thanked the donors and promised to watch over the children so that they succeed at school.

The representative of the beneficiaries, Amdia Compaoré, thanked the sponsor o
f the ceremony and the HO.FI.O bookstore for their constant support over the 3 years.

“This growing generosity demonstrates your firm commitment to supporting us so that we can one day take our future into our own hands,” said Ms. Compaoré.

For her, these school kits and scholarships will help improve their academic performance and expressed the hope that this support can continue and extend to other children in need.

“As for us beneficiaries, we make a commitment before you, our parents and guests, to work well so as not to betray the trust placed in us,” she concluded.

The caravan distributing school kits for disadvantaged students is in its third edition.

This edition has included school scholarships in view of the strong concern of parents and the academic excellence of the first beneficiaries.

The HO.FI.O bookstore specializes in the sale and distribution of professional, academic, and school books, as well as scientific and educational equipment. It offers physical and digital books.

Source: Bur
kina Information Agency