“Cinephilia” project launched by “Echos Cinématographiques”


The “Echos Cinématographiques” Association has launched the “Cinephilia” project with the support of the French Institute of Tunisia (IFT) and in partnership with HAKKA Distribution and Cinéfilms.

“Cinéphilia” is a capacity building programme in cultural mediation, audience mobilisation and project management, aimed at groups with projects to organise regular film screenings and wishing to develop their capacities in film mediation and film club animation. This programme aims to enable them to acquire technical and logistical skills as well as communication and management skills. To this end, a call for applications for training for screening collectives and film clubs has been launched, with a deadline of April 23, 2023.

Two participants from each selected collective will be supported to create or strengthen an entity dedicated to this activity.

The project aims to create or develop the capacities of six permanent structures across Tunisia offering independent cinema programming throughout the year. The beneficiary structures will have the opportunity to become part of a programming network.

An initial two-month phase will consist of meetings and theoretical and practical training lasting an estimated 40 hours over two months (May and June 2023), followed by a programme of internships and ongoing support over a period of two years, at the end of which each collective will have the opportunity to develop the tools needed to organise, promote and host independent film screenings on a regular basis throughout the year. Particular attention will be paid to sustainability through the search for a viable economic model and appropriate financial autonomy.

The ECHOS Cinématographiques association, which works to disseminate cinematographic culture and develop cinephilia, was created by a group of activists in the field of disseminating cinematographic culture who have been working for years to bring cinema closer to the public and to develop dissemination channels throughout Tunisia. With the aim of disseminating cinema as an art form and a means of expression, it has set itself the goal of creating, developing and contributing to the perpetuation of alternative cinematographic dissemination channels, associations, cultural actors, screening spaces and public structures working to disseminate cinema, in particular through the screening of films wherever possible, and also by encouraging film criticism, training in the professions of cinematographic dissemination and participation in the reform of the sector..

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse