Consumer prices up 0.6% in August 2023 (INS)


Consumer prices rose by 0.6% in August 2023, following an increase of 0.7% in the previous month, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Tuesday. This increase was mainly due to a 2.3% rise in food prices and a 3.2% rise in tobacco prices.

On the other hand, clothing prices fell by 4.7% due to summer sales.

According to the INS, food prices rose by 2.3% over one month, following increases in the prices of eggs (11.8%), vegetables (5.1%), edible oils (3.8%) and fresh fruit (3.6%).

The prices of alcoholic beverages and tobacco also went up by 3% in August 2023, following a a 3.2% increase in tobacco prices, according to the same source.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse