CS Mvurya Suspends Two Mining Companies In Baringo For Lack Of Compliance


Mining, Blue Economy, and Maritime Affairs Cabinet Secretary Salim Mvurya has suspended two mining companies in Baringo for failing to comply with the requisite regulations.

Speaking to the press outside Baringo Governor’s office in Kabarnet Town, Mvurya said that the two Chinese-owned companies namely Zhengwei and Chuanshan mining diatomite at Kapturo area in Bartabwa Ward of Baringo North and in Chemolingot area of Tiaty West Sub Counties, should stop operations immediately.

Mvurya who was in the County on a one-day fact-finding mission accompanied by his two Principal Secretaries Elijah Mwangi (Mining) and Betsy Muthoni (Blue Economy) said the Ministry will not tolerate investors who do not follow the law.

He cited the case of the Chemolingot diatomite factory which has been built near a learning institution therefore posing a health risk to learners.

‘Diatomite processing at Chemolingot stands suspended until the investor finds another suitable site and will pay hefty penalties for breaking the law,’
declared Mvurya.

He added that for the Bartabwa mining, the contractor did not follow all the compliance expectations relating to prospecting licensing therefore they do not have an option but to suspend operations until they follow the laid down procedures.

The former Kwale Governor sounded a warning to other mining companies in the County stating that they are keenly following up on other cases of illegal mining in the area with the support of the security apparatus.

He stated that Baringo has a huge potential in mining and matters blue economy which ought to be jealously guarded.

‘We have agreed with Governor Benjamin Cheboi to work seamlessly in the issuance of licensing and permits for all activities to put the lucrative sector at par with other Counties,’ said Mvurya.

Governor Cheboi and Baringo North Member of Parliament Joseph Makilap welcomed the move which he said will weed out illegal mining activities in the County.

Source: Kenya News Agency