Current seismic activity in Tunisia is classified “low” to “moderate” ( DG of ONM)


Tunisia’s current seismic activity is classified “low” to “moderate” according to data from the National Institute of Meteorology (INM) and “its magnitude generally does not exceed an average of 4 to 5 degrees on the Richter scale,» said on Tuesday, Director General of the National Office of Mines, Mohamed Ben Salem. Speaking to TAP, on the sidelines of the 20th International Scientific Conference on «Seismic Risks and Ways of Prevention», organized in Sousse by the ONM, on October 24 and 27, Ben Sale added that “like most countries in the world, Tunisia is affected by slight earth tremors, which sometimes cause cracks and progressive damage. They are often observed over time in buildings and infrastructures.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse