Decision to ban media coverage of ‘conspiracy against state security’ case still in force (Prosecutor’s Office)


Tunis: The decision to close the investigation issued by the investigating judge at the judicial counter-terrorism division in the ‘conspiracy against State security’ case on April 12, 2024 expressly states that the media are strictly forbidden to report on the twists of the case until it has been referred to the competent court.

This clarification was made by Hanene Gueddes, spokeswoman for the judicial counter-terrorism division in a statement to TAP.

Moreover, the spokeswoman warned that any media coverage of the details of this case would necessarily result in criminal proceedings being brought against the offenders, in accordance with the laws in force.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office added that this decision was taken following the violations observed in the media coverage of the case, which was referred to the Indictments Division of the Tunis Court of Appeal, by virtue of the decision to close the investigation handed down by the examining magistrate of the Judicial Counter-Terrorism Division on Apr
il 12.

In a statement to TAP on April 16, the spokeswoman said that the investigating judge in charge of the case of ‘conspiracy against State security’ had completed his work and issued a decision to that effect on April 12, 2024, in full compliance with the procedures and deadlines laid down by law.

The spokeswoman added that the investigating judge specified in his decision that the precautionary measures decreed in the context of this case would remain in force, including in particular a ban on media coverage of the case until the competent court had ruled on the merits of the case.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse