Detection and promotion of artistic talents in schools: the Government launches cultural classes


Cultural classes are now operational throughout Benin. The Ministers of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Jean-Michel ABIMBOLA, and of Secondary and Technical Education and Vocational Training, Yves CHABI KOUARO, officially launched educational activities within the framework of cultural classes on Friday 03 February 2023, at CEG Gbégamey in Cotonou. It was in the presence of a large delegation of cultural actors and trainers of supervisors, led by the President of the National Council of Artists’ Organizations of Benin (CNOA) and executives from the education system at the departmental level.

It is the culmination of a long process that delights government authorities and players in the cultural and artistic sector. Established by government decree issued in 2018, the talent promotion and capacity building project in the culture sector is an important project of the Government’s Action Program. By introducing the cultural classes which are the emanation of this program into the education system, the Government of President Patrice TALON plans to encourage the detection and promotion of the artistic and cultural talents of learners in our schools. According to the project coordinator, Mr. Blaise TCHETCHAO, significant diligence was done before this phase of realization. These include, among other things, the validation of training curricula, the

This is an opportunity for Minister Jean-Michel ABIMBOLA to mark the Government’s desire to build a cultural economy and to reveal Benin through its culture. He praised the contribution of the various actors involved in the success of the project before inviting the beneficiaries in particular, the supervisors and the learners to give the best of themselves so that the expected objective is achieved.

For his part, the Minister Yves CHABI KOUARO, reaffirmed the Government’s ambition to move towards the professionalization of several sectors to train actors capable of making an effective contribution to the GDP. He did not fail to urge these new players in the education system to observe the rules and principles that govern the new environment they are entering.

It should be noted that this initial experimental phase takes place in 89 public and private establishments and concerns the disciplines of Music, Dance, Theater and Visual Arts.

Source: Government of the Republic of Benin