DGI: Now obtain your IFU in less than 24 hours with your Personal Identification Number (NPI)


The Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) recently deployed a new version of its IFU registration platform online. The aim is to further simplify the procedure for obtaining this number for partner taxpayers.

With the new procedure in place, you will no longer have to worry about:

submit an IFU request;
follow your request;
update information related to your IFU;
find your IFU;
download the certificate.
Now, to apply for an IFU online, you no longer have to provide documents, scan your identity photo or your birth certificate. The procedure is completely simplified. All you have to do is enter your Personal Identification Number (NPI) issued by the National Agency for the Identification of Persons (ANIP) and follow the instructions displayed on the screen on the link:https://ifu.impots.bj/demande-ifu

As a reminder, you can obtain your Personal Identification Number (NPI) free of charge issued by the National Agency by following the procedure indicatedhere .

To get your IFU in less than 24 hours , go to:https://ifu.impots.bj/demande-ifu

Source: Government of the Republic of Benin

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