Documentary exhibition inaugurated on 69th Anniversary of creation of UNFT


A documentary exhibition was inaugurated, on Friday, at the headquarters of the National Archives in Tunis, on the 69th anniversary of the creation of the National Union of Tunisian Women (UNFT).

The exhibition includes photos and manuscripts which retrace the journey of this national organization and its active participation in the national liberation movement as well as the mobilization of feminist consciousness for the benefit of the Tunisian cause at home and abroad.

The exhibition also includes a rare collection of manuscripts on the first struggles of the formation of the feminist movement in Tunisia as well as the names of the first Tunisian feminist activists such as Zoubaida Bchir and Radhia Haddad.

The exhibition shed light on the role of the Union in building modern Tunisia, encouraging schooling, developing health and social services.

The exhibition also emphasizes the efforts made by the UNFT to promote the rights of Tunisian women and the need to respect them, strengthen them and diversify
them so that they include all aspects of the life and concerns of Tunisian women, which contributed to forming a national consensus on the inalienable rights of women in various areas of the political, economic, social and cultural life.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse