Door to Door networking mission for natural ingredients sector to be staged for Tunisian companies in Rotterdam


A Door to Door orientation and networking mission dedicated to the natural ingredients sector will be organised for Tunisian companies from September 24 to 26 in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

The mission, organised by the Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX) with the support of the Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO), targets the sectors of medicinal and aromatic plants, vegetable and essential oils, botanical and algae extracts. Floral waters, dried fruits and vegetables, and fruit and vegetable derivatives are also included.

This initiative aims to map the Dutch market by identifying potential buyers, as well as associations and professional organisations interested in Tunisian natural ingredients.

It seeks to establish a strategic programme to guide Tunisian companies in accessing the Dutch market and increasing their visibility.

The aim is to strengthen the position of Tunisian companies in the Dutch market through Door to Door meetings with key supply chain stakeholders.

The Netherlands, as a European log
istics hub, offers easy access to other European markets. This mission will also provide Tunisian companies with the opportunity to create partnership opportunities with potential buyers, distributors, and industrial associations in the Netherlands, according to CEPEX.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse