Economy Minister and Japanese ambassador in Tunis willing to boost financial cooperation


Boosting economic and financial cooperation between Tunisia and Japan was the focus of a meeting held, on Wednesday, in Tunis, between Minister of Economy and Planning, Feryel Ouerghi Sebai, and Japanese ambassador in Tunis, Takeshi Osuga, reads a statement of the Ministry.

The meeting also shed light on the action programme for the upcoming period and the progress of the financial cooperation, namely the funds to be allocated to a number of projects in key sectors, such as energy, seawater desalination, mobilization of water resources and dams as well as the promotion of social protection programmes.

The two officials also discussed ways to increase Japanese investments in Tunisia, particularly in promising and high value-added sectors.

During the meeting, An emphasis was placed on the need to activate a number of legal frameworks, such as the Double Non-Taxation Agreement as well as the Agreement on the Promotion and Protection of Investments between the two countries, the same source said.

Source: Age
nce Tunis Afrique Presse