Education CS to push for school safety guidelines to become law


As investigations into the cause of the night fire at Hillside Endrasha Academy in Nyeri entered day two, Education Cabinet Secretary, Julius Ogamba has said that the ministry is considering upgrading the school safety regulations into law.

The CS noted that whereas the safety guidelines and policies set by the Ministry are sufficient, it is the laxity on the part of those entrusted to oversee their strict enforcement that is exposing learners to risks. Migosi also blamed the lack of legal obligations and lenient disciplinary actions on the offenders to the frequent lapses which have resulted in tragedies involving children.

‘Perhaps as a country it has reached that time when we look at the rules and regulations and find out if it is time to take them a step further and make them laws so that there are penalties that are attached. Because we cannot continue like this as a country,’ said Migosi.

‘If we find that the policies are there but people are not doing what they are supposed to be doing because ther
e is no penalty, then I am prepared under the recommendations of the working party that we are using to make reforms to in the Education sector, to move them up into laws so that there are penalties for failing to do what one is expected to do as opposed to a disciplinary action and people are losing lives,’ he said.

Migosi spoke after visiting the scene of the Thursday night tragedy which left 18 pupils of the school dead and several others injured.The CS said that the investigations which are currently being conducted by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation will also establish whether the school complied with the Ministry’s recommended safety regulations. He also said that the Education ministry will also be conducting an internal self-audit to identify the policy gaps.

The CS’s remarks come a day after Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua appealed to County and Sub-County Directors of Education to continuously inspect all public and private schools in order to safeguard the security of learners. While
calling on Kenyans to remain patient as investigators continue to unravel the incident, the DP said that the findings will inform the government’s next course of action.

‘The issue of safety in schools continues to be a very emotive matter and again saddening as it is an awakening call for us especially education officers who are supposed to make inspections to see to it that there is safety of the children in these facilities.Again after the report is concluded it will inform our next course of action,’ said the DP in his address on Friday evening.

Source: Kenya News Agency