Education Sector Reform Sought Through Data-Driven Conferences


Homa Bay – In an effort to reform the country’s education sector, a collaboration of policy makers, researchers, Civil Society Organizations, and academia convened at the fifth conference on Education Evidence for Action (EE4A) at Tom Mboya University, Homa Bay branch. This gathering aimed to discuss and obtain evidence-based data to guide the future direction of education in the country.

According to Kenya News Agency, Chair of EE4A, the conference focused on identifying challenges within the education system through data and evidence. A significant point of discussion was the recently released KCPE results, which raised questions about learning disparities among schools. The discussions delved into how data and evidence could be utilized to enhance learning. “CBC implementation is cited as a big challenge for our country,” Mugo said, referring to the role of researchers in monitoring, implementing, and generating data with teachers and parents to identify problems, those affected, and necessary changes.

Dr. Mugo emphasized the importance of using data and evidence in decision-making processes, not only within the government but also for parents, teachers, and learners. He highlighted the need to build a culture of accepting evidence-based decision-making, pointing out its effectiveness in providing the government with insights on school enrolment, dropout rates, and other critical issues.

Dr. Darius Mogaka, Director of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education, noted the collaborative nature of the conference, which aims to progress through dialogues and consensus on addressing key sectoral challenges. The conference serves as a platform for analyzing existing evidence that reflects the current state of the education sector. “As a ministry and policy makers, we are facilitating the dialogue and will continue our engagements with like-minded individuals who offer solutions to challenges in the education sector,” stated Dr. Mogaka. This ongoing dialogue is intended to support the government in ensuring successful reforms in the education system.