“Elderly people in Tunisia expected to reach one-fifth of population by 2036” (Family Minister)


Tunis: The proportion of elderly people in Tunisia is expected to reach roughly one-fifth of the population by 2036, said Minister of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly Amel Belhaj Moussa on Monday.

Taking the floor at a working session in her department on “the implementation plan of the national multisectoral strategy for the elderly 2022-2030, Belhaj Moussa pointed out the need to implement this national strategy for various reasons, notably demographic transition characterised by an increase in the number of the elderly and a decline in the younger age groups, according to a ministry press release.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministries of Finance and Health and of the Tunisian Association for the Safeguarding of Heritage Games and Sports (ATSJSP) and the Tunisian Union of Social Solidarity (UTSS).

The national multisectoral strategy for the elderly, aimed at ensuring their rights and protection, will be discussed on June 15, on the occasion of the World Elder Abuse Awarenes
s Day.

The working session examined the legal framework governing the protection of the elderly and ways to improve it and the private sector’s role in investing in services provided to the elderly.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse