Employment Ministry and BH Bank agree to sign agreement on funding communitarian companies


The BH Bank (formerly known as the Banque de l’Habitat) undertakes to contribute to the success of the communitarian company creation programme and to provide the necessary technical assistance to project holders,” BH Managing Director Wajdi Koubaa pointed out at a working session held on Monday with Secretary of State to the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training in Charge of Communitarian Companies Riadh Chaoued.

The meeting focused on the financing of communitarian companies by banks in accordance with the provisions of Article 32 of the 2024 Finance Law, according to a ministry press release.

Chaoued underlined on the occasion, the need to diversify funding sources so as to open up broad prospects for all the new communitarian companies to ensure the success and sustainability of the projects.

At the end of the meeting, the two sides agreed to sign a framework agreement on the funding and support of communitarian companies.