Facilitating lawyers’ work at heart of meeting between Interior Minister and ATJA president


Tunis: Interior Minister Kamel Feki met on Wednesday with Tarak Harakati, president of the Tunisian Association of Young Lawyers (ATJA), at the ministry’s headquarters.

They stressed the need to further facilitate the work of lawyers, “especially when they present themselves to investigative units”, in accordance with Law No. 2016-5 amending and supplementing certain provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

The two sides praised the work of lawyers and security officials and their efforts to uphold the rule of law and protect citizens’ rights, according to a ministry press release.

Law no. 2016-5 requires the family of the suspect to be informed and guarantees, in particular, the right to the immediate presence of a lawyer during detention and the right to a medical examination.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse