First English-language tourist guidebook to Tunisia in 12 years launched


The first English-language tourist guidebook to Tunisia for 12 years was launched on Thursday at the Residence of the British Ambassador to Tunisia.

The guidebook was compiled by adventurer and travel writer Oscar Scafidi talking about his three years living in Tunisia and the adventures and the complexities of writing the most up-to-date and comprehensive guidebook to this extraordinary and wonderful place for Bradt Travel Guides, Tunisia.

Oscar Scafidi lived in Tunisia for three years while writing Bradt’s first guide to the country, criss-crossing the country for over 30,000km in his 4×4.

His Tunisia-focused YouTube channel features over a hundred videos showcasing the nation’s most exciting tourism destinations, and he has worked with USAID and the Tunisian Ministry of Tourism on sustainable tourism development projects in the country.

A travel writer, risk consultant and international educator, he has lived, worked and travelled in over thirty African countries including Tunisia, Sudan, Angola and Madagascar. Such experiences enabled him to author Bradt’s guidebooks to Angola and Equatorial Guinea, and write about intriguing destinations such as Somalia, Afghanistan, Liberia and Timor Leste.

Scafidi has also written a travel narrative, Kayak the Kwanza, about completing the first source-to-sea navigation of Angola’s longest river, a journey exceeding 1,300km.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse