Gabes: ‘Stop Pollution’ collective demands investigation into gas leak from GCT units


Gabes: The collective ”N7eb N3ich… Stop Pollution” called on the public prosecutor to open an investigation to establish the circumstances and responsibilities of a gas leak in the industrial zone of Gabès that caused 15 pupils of the Ibn Rochd secondary school in Ghannouch (Gabès governorate) to faint and suffocate.

In a statement released Saturday, the movement called on the regional health directorate to inform the public about the state of health of those affected by this incident and to monitor their condition, given the dangers of these gases to health.

The collective also called on the authorities concerned to implement the decisions taken previously, in particular the decision of June 29, 2017 on the dismantling of the industrial units of the Tunisian Chemical Group (GCT), and to put an end to the policy of promises and procrastination in dealing with this important issue, according to the same press release.

To this end, the collective called on civil society in Gabès to coordinate in order to
determine the next necessary protest movements to put an end to “the environmental crimes committed against the region” and to demand the immediate dismantling of the GCT’s industrial units.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse