Ganzourgou: A call for national unity launched in Zoungou


The High Commissioner of the province of Ganzourgou, Mrs. Aminata Sorgho/Gouba, chaired the raising of colors ceremony, organized this Tuesday, August 6, 2024 in the department of Zoungou. This event is part of the continuation of the initiative of the rise of colors on a rotating basis in the services and departments of the province. This was an opportunity for her to launch a vibrant appeal for national unity to the populations of this department.

Gathered at the prefecture, the provincial service directors and representatives of the different social strata of Zoungou attended this highlight of the life of the commune.

The ceremonial raising of the colors was carried out by the national police to the rhythm of the national anthem, sung in the national language Mooré by the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP).

After this ceremony, the prefect of the Zoungou department, Mr. Mahamoudou Consigui, on behalf of the community’s leaders, thanked the High Commissioner and all the provincial service
directors for choosing his constituency for this ceremony. important.

‘Your presence among us is a great mark of honor and encourages us to continue our efforts for the development of our locality,’ he said.

In her speech, Ms. Sorgho/Gouba underlined the importance of these ceremonies which, she said, ‘are a symbolic act marked by sobriety but heavy with meaning, because they remind us of the meaning of patriotism, of living together, as well as that our belonging to a common destiny and to the same heritage to be preserved. »

Faced with the security challenges facing the country, the High Commissioner insisted on the need to strengthen unity and cohesion among the Burkinabè.

‘If we decided to include the departments in these rotating ceremonies, it is with the aim of being able to convey this message of unity and living together,’ she declared.

For her, ‘There is no sacrifice too much when it comes to defending the Homeland, because it is the only heritage that will be bequeathed to future generations.

In addition to the patriotic aspect, the ceremony was also an opportunity to address public health issues.

The High Commissioner recalled the importance of preventing diseases linked to lack of hygiene, in particular malaria and dengue fever. She invited people to collaborate with health workers during vaccination campaigns.

It was also an opportunity for the High Commissioner to carry out a symbolic planting of a tree as an invitation to the populations of Zoungou to contribute to the success of the national reforestation campaign, 2024 edition.

The mobilization of the populations of Zoungou was welcomed by the High Commissioner. For her, this demonstrates their attachment to republican values ??and their desire to contribute to the construction of a united and prosperous Burkina Faso.

Source : Burkina Information Agency