Gourma: Residents of Koaré demand more security from the administrative authority


Ouagadougou: The populations of the village of Koaré asked the governor of the Eastern region, Ram Joseph Kafando for more security for their locality on Tuesday July 16, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma.

It was following multiple terrorist attacks perpetrated in the Koaré area that nearly 600 people from the said village came to request more security.

According to their spokesperson, Kanlou Thiombiano, terrorist attacks are legion in their locality despite the determination of their valiant Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP).

Continuing, he said: ‘Yesterday, three (03) people lost their lives following a terrorist incursion in their village. It is in view of this situation, specified Mr. Thiombiano, that we came to request the installation of a military detachment, a sweep in the area and a massive recruitment of VDPs to secure the Kaoré area.

Kanlou Thiombiano stressed that the governor who listened to them attentively welcomed their approach before reassuring them that the government is working to
provide more security for all Burkinabé people.

Source: Burkina Information Agency