Govt Supports Initiatives To Facilitate Regional Integration, Trade


The Government is committed to harmonising national laws, regulations, and policies with Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Agreements to facilitate regional integration and trade, SDT COMESA Focal Point Ms. Catherine Kithinji has said

Speaking Thursday in Moyale during a sensitization workshop, Kithinji said the government supports initiatives that aim to enhance coordination between border agencies, reduce duplication of procedures, and facilitate the seamless movement of goods, services, people, and information across borders.

She was addressing participants during a two-day sensitization workshop facilitated by COMESA on the Electronic Single Window (ESW) project currently in operation at the Moyale One Stop Border Point (OSBP).

Participants included Traders, Trade Associations, and relevant Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs).

The ESW project is among the projects that are supported by the European Development Fund (EDF11) in the recently signed sub-delegation agreement
between COMESA and Kenya.

The Agreement is meant to support programmes and projects that facilitate trade in Moyale One Stop Border Point OSBP to be fully operational.

She said the ESW project is an e-system that has greatly simplified trade by automating export certification documents, leading to a reduced number of processes and time taken by exporters at Kenyan border posts.

Kithinji thanked COMESA for supporting the system that enhances the creation of a harmonised and efficient trading environment within the COMESA region, a regional economic integration organisation consisting of 21 Member States aimed at creating a single market by boosting intra-regional trade.

Facilitators in the workshop include Ken-Trade, while MDAs present include the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS), Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Department for Immigration, the National Police Service, and National and County Government officials.

Moyale is a key point in cross-border trade
within the COMESA region, and the Electronic Single Window project will enhance coordination between border agencies and traders.

In 2022, Kenya exported to Ethiopia mainly animal, vegetable, and chemical products and inorganic chemicals worth 90.2 million USD and imported mainly cereals, edible vegetables, and glass and glassware, which were worth 28.9 million USD.

Source: Kenyai News Agency