Improved Road Connectivity Boosts Household Income


Opening of new roads across all the wards in Uasin Gishu by the County Administration has played a significant role in transforming the lives of the residents not only by improving road connectivity but also providing a new means that has improved household incomes.

Farmers can now easily transport their farm produce such as Irish potatoes, vegetables, milk and maize to the market unlike before when the access roads to farms and villages were in poor conditions.

Among the newly opened roads in Ainabkoi/Olare Ward, Ainabkoi Sub-County include Welelo road which connects to Karungu Trading Centre and Tingwa-Langas Road.

The County has also graded Kewet Road which connects to Burnt Forest town to enhance agricultural activities in the area and spur the economy.

Residents of Kapcher Village led by Philip Kimeli and Jonah Too Sawe say their land is very fertile for agriculture but they have been experiencing post-harvest losses because of transportation problems.

‘Initially, we relied on donkeys and tractors t
o transport our farm produce to Karungu Centre as vehicles could not reach our villages. Irish potatoes could get spoiled in the farms every harvesting season because we didn’t have good roads,’ Too explained.

Residents of Tingwa and Kewet villages led by Samson Kirwa who operate bodaboda business said the dozing and improvement of Langas- Tingwa and Kewet road has reduced the cost of transporting milk to Tarakwa Dairies located in Bayete area significantly from the previous Sh300 to about Sh150.

Besides new roads, the county is also keen on the construction of bridges and box culverts which are among key road infrastructure projects in order to spur economic development and improve service delivery for the people.

The completion and commissioning of the Kapkures-Kipsomba box culvert in Kapkures ward, Soy Sub County will facilitate agricultural, business and trade activities, besides bringing the people together in other spheres of life.

Speaking when he commissioned the construction of the box culvert at
Kapkures ward, Soy Sub County, Governor Dr. Jonathan Chelilim affirmed his administration’s commitment to enhancing infrastructural development to propel county’s economic growth in order to provide a safer and quicker means of transportation to improve the economy and quality of life of the people.

The area MCA David Buttuk commended the project which he said had a dramatic impact on the people by creating access to opportunities and other essential facilities.

County Executive for Roads Eng. Joseph Lagat says over six bridges and box culverts have been completed and that efficient infrastructure would ensure safe crossing over of rivers in many areas where they did not exist.

Source: Kenya News Agency