It’s time to give vocational training its rightful place (President Saied)


It is time to give the vocational training sector its rightful place, stated President of the Republic Kais Saied on Monday as he received Minister of Employment and Vocational Training Lotfi Dhiab and Secretary of State in charge of Communitarian Companies Riadh Choued.

Vocational training had in the past offered a wide range of prospects to the idle and unemployed, added the Head of State, pointing out that this sector can support the State’s efforts to reduce unemployment and create wealth, just as it can facilitate the process of supporting and launching projects of communitarian companies.

The President of the Republic called for the need to iron out the difficulties encountered by the initiators of these projects, denouncing a counterproductive bureaucracy benefiting people who want to exploit the State’s public property at the lowest cost, citing the example of the Jemna oasis, a case among others in many of the country’s governorates, a Presidency of the Republic press release reads.

Saied further
raised the issue of subcontracting, calling for an urgent review of its regime, since it is a form of “slavery in disguise” where employees are often trapped between the hammer of underpaid work and the anvil of the never-ending quest for a source of income.

In the same vein, the Head of State sharply criticised the system of limited-term contracts (CDD), renewable every three months, asserting that this contractual formula is nothing other than a perfect illustration of professional precariousness under which the employee is not in a position to claim his rights under the reign of a law devoid of minimum rules of justice.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse