Kasserine run-off local elections: candidates in Khamouda-South pledge to help young people launch own projects


Candidates for Khamouda-South in the Foussena delegation (Kasserine governorate), Mohamed El Ayech and Imed Ferchichi, are running in the run-off local elections. They won the first round with 199 and 196 votes respectively.

Mohamed El Ayech’s priorities include the paving of the main road in Khamouda-El Bnena and rural roads, the supply of drinking water, the creation of communal enterprises and increased funding for micro-projects from the Tunisian Solidarity Bank.

For his part, Candidate Imed Ferchichi promised to encourage young people to launch their own projects, improve infrastructure and ensure access to local services and connection to electricity and drinking water networks.

Ten candidates representing the imadas of El Haza, Ertibet, Foussena, Khamouda-Sud and Khamouda-North are standing in the run-off local elections in the Foussena delegation.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse