Kumbo Press Men Poised to fight climate change, assist vulnerable children, support churches


By Wirngo Amos

This laudable decision was arrived at on May 5, 2024 during the WPFD in Kumbo. The day was commemorated under the theme ‘ A press for the planet; Journalism in the face of environmental crisis’

The celebration started with a Thanksgiving Mass at St. Cornilius Parish Bamkikai where funds were raised to assist in the construction of the Priests house.

During his homily, Rev. Father Evaristus Kiven urged all christians to embrace love which has become a scarce resource especially during the ongoing upheavals. He continued that God created man in his image and has designed a purpose for all creation. Hence love according to him is a command from God. He praised media men in Kumbo for partnering with his parish to raise funds for the construction of the priests house. He prayed God’s blessings and guidance on the media men as they indulge into this risky profession.

Edwin Kilofenyuy, deputy manager of Radio evangelium Kumbo, gave a discourse to media men on the topic, ‘The role of the journalist
in climate change awareness’ According to him, journalists are watch dogs of the society and has the responsibility to inform them on the changes. This information will instill hope and drive fear from them. ‘Let’s look at Kumbo now, there is excessive heat, this is strange because everyone knew Kumbo as one of the coldest places in Cameroon, the rains has become very irregular, we now have strange birds amongst others. It is our responsibility as journalists to educate and inform our communities on these changes’ Edwin Narrated.

During their meeting, media men in Kumbo resolved that:

They will support vulnerable children in schools in Kumbo. priority was given to Presbyterian School Bamkikai where 21 pupils will benefit through payment of school fees and diadatic materials

Tree planting launching will take place by media men themselves. This is to fight climate change and to educate the population to follow suit

Support churches, hospitals and other institutions through Thanksgivings, donations and other
identified needs.

Hold a debate and education program over Radio Evangelium Kumbo (FM 100.5) every Saturday from 1-3pm. The program has been named ‘Kumbo Press Time’ During these programs, specialists in various identified fields shall be invited to enlighten the masses.

It was also resolved that media men should be councious about the times and to report only that which is true and helpful

The next outing for the Thanksgiving church service shall be at Tobin Baptist Church.

Let the various media houses issue press cards to their members and they should all belong to the Kumbo Press Forum.

At the end of the celebration Amos WIRNGO was given a vote of confidence to continue as the coordinator for Kumbo Press Forum.

It all ended with wining, dinning and chat talks.

Source: Cameroon News Agency