Kwale County Increases Students’ Bursary Kitty To Sh500 Million


Kwale Governor Ms. Fatuma Achani has announced that the county scholarship scheme will be raised from Sh400 million to Sh500 million in the 2023-2024 financial year.

The county launched the ‘Elimu Ni Sasa’ bursaries programme to provide assistance to financially needy but bright students since the advent of devolution in 2013.

Achani disclosed that the bursary will be paid directly into the accounts of secondary and tertiary institutions to ensure accountability. She said students in each of the 20 electoral wards will benefit from the disbursement that will be channeled to schools, colleges, and universities.

Achani made the announcement while launching an Early Childhood Development (ECD) centre at Chidunguni village in the Tsunza area of Kinango sub-county.

‘We commit to continue investing in education through the ‘Elimu Ni Sasa’ initiative that has improved education standards in Kwale County,’ she said, adding that the scheme serves as a lifeline to needy students to realise their educational dreams.

The Governor said since 2013, the county has sponsored more than 5,000 students in national schools, more than 3500 students in universities, and 55,000 students in other schools under the bursary programme.

Achani said education bursaries and scholarships will be an integral part of her administration to ensure that students from poor backgrounds are not bothered about school fees but focused on their studies.

The Governor said the scholarship scheme will help accelerate the development of human capital and have an impact on the growth of the county. She charged beneficiaries of the social intervention scheme to focus on their studies and uphold good manners in their academic pursuits to justify the county’s investment in their education.

‘We have increased our annual bursary kitty from the current Sh400 million to Sh500 million to cater for the needs of the increasing number of students,’ she said.

She added, ‘My administration, through the ‘Elimu Ni Sasa’ initiative, reaffirms the commitment to ensure that no child from Kwale stays out of school due to lack of fees.’

The county boss also asked parents and guardians to be keen and closely monitor the progress of their children in school, support them, and motivate them for better performances.

‘The county government is investing a lot in the education sector because we all know that education is key to the realization of sustainable development,’ she said.

According to Achani, the devolved government is doing everything to turn around the fortunes of students and, as such, urged the beneficiaries of the county scholarship to reciprocate the gesture by taking their studies seriously.

Source: Kenya News Agency