law authorizing BCT to grant facilities to Tunisia’s Treasury published in JORT


The law authorizing the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT) to grant facilities to the General Treasury of Tunisia was published, Wednesday, in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Tunisia (JORT).

The BCT is authorized, exceptionally, to grant facilities to the Public Treasury, an amount of 7,000 million dinars, repayable over a period of 10 years including 3 years of grace, and without interests, to finance part of the State budget deficit for 2024.

This draft law was passed, on Tuesday evening, by the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) with 92 votes for, 15 votes against and 26 abstentions. During the plenary session devoted to the examination of this law, the Minister of Finance, Sihem Boughdiri Nemsia indicated that this law «will allow the government to mobilize the necessary funds to cover the urgent financial needs of the State».

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse