Less than 50% of Cameroon’s demand for blood is met annually-MINSANTÉ


Some 782 deaths are reported in every 100 000 births in Cameroon, and nearly half of the cases are maternal deaths (45%), linked to bleeding.

These figures were revealed by the Minister of Public Health, Dr Manaouda Malachie on Wednesday, June 7 2023 in a press conference he granted at the Emergency Management Unit of the Ministry of Public Health in Yaoundé in prelude to the World Blood Donor Day. This day will be observed on June 14, 2023, under the theme “Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often.”

The Minister revealed that three children aged 6-59 months who survive, suffer from anemia and urgently need blood transfusion. This case of blood need, adds to cases of accidents and chronic anemia thus the need to donate blood.

According to the minister, it is this gesture of generosity, solidarity, citizenship, and selflessness that will save millions of lives. He used the opportunity to thank all those who voluntarily and regularly participated in the process of blood donation which is important in saving lives.

The health boss also reminded the National Blood Transfusion Centre (CTNS) of its role in ensuring a secure, efficient, and perennial blood transfusion system that will be able to supply quality blood and blood transfusion services to needy patients.

A total of 147, 034 blood bags were collected in 2022, the minister revealed. A net progress as compared to 2021, but not enough to satisfy the yearly demand for blood in Cameroon which is estimated at 400 000 bags of blood.

Mr. Manaouda Malachie personally took the engagement of donating blood to pave the way. He also called on Cameroonians aged 18-60 and in good health to participate in the blood donation process so as to increase the quantity of blood bags to be collected this year.

Source: Cameroon News Agency