Local elections/Ezzouhour 4: Candidate Mohamed Ali Belhareth kicks off campaign


Local elections candidate for the Ezzouhour 4 local council (Tunis1) Mohamed Ali Belhareth on Wednesday kicked off his campaign.

Belhareth presented his programme which focuses on 6 major points and deemed it necessary to improve the locals’ living conditions.

The improvement of the municipal action and the fitting out of communal areas in residences into green spaces are among his goals, he told TAP.

Belhareth further promised to set up a cultural centre for children and young people, including theatre and music clubs, and to improve postal services and bring adminitrative services closer to the locals.

The candidate also pointed to the need to renovate the health care facility, provide it with new medical equipment and increase its human resources so as to shorten appointment waiting times.

Ezzouhour locality is home to 4,200 population and inludes 6 constituencies. 15 candidates, including 6 women are vying for seats on the local council.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse