Local elections/Tunis 2: 10 people with disabilites selected by sortition


Ten candidates with disabilites, out of 20, were selected by sortition on Sunday as members of the Tunis 2 local councils.

They are:

El Menzah constituency: Mounir Ben Mohamed Bassa

Bardo constituency: Aymen Ben Mohamed Bouzid

Tahrir constituency: Kamel Ben Ali Ben Mohamed Riahi

Omrane Supérieur constituency: Aouatef Ben Ahmed Jelassi

La Marsa constituency:Lassaad Ben Ali Trabelsi

Carthage constituency: Wissem Ben Mohsen Souissi

Kram constituency: Selim Ben Kamel Ben Ismail

La Goulette constituency: Mohamed Boujemaa Ben Abdelhamid Mosbeh

El Khadhra Neighbourhood constituency: Hammouda Belhbib Ben Sassi

El Omrane constituency: Hajer Ben Abdelkader Dorgham
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse