Manouba – Local elections: Training day for 24 electoral officials


The independent local authority for elections (IRIE) in Manouba held a training day for 24 electoral officials on Saturday at the Manouba Technopark, in preparation for the campaign for the local election run-off scheduled for February4.

Ahmed Douik, IRIE’s coordinator in Manouba, told TAP the training was an opportunity to review the procedures, principles and rules of the electoral campaign, particularly with regard to financing, monitoring and coordination systems, methods of recording and updating information, procedures and decisions.

The training is part of preparations for the run-off in Manouba, where 46 candidates are vying for local councils in the region, according to the same source.

During the campaign for the first round of elections, the IRIE recorded a total of 732 electoral activities and 33 violations involving 164 candidates in the region’s direct elections, in which 26 candidates won seats on local councils in the first round.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse