Mara Is Safe, Governor Ntutu


Narok County Governor Patrick Ntutu has urged tourists to continue visiting Maasai Mara Game Reserve, saying it is safe.

Speaking in Mara, the governor said that apart from nine camps that are affected by the overflowing Talek River, the other parts of the game reserve are safe for visitors.

Nine camps have been affected by the overflowing Talek river, including Tipilikwani camp, Mara Leisure camp, Mara Base camp, Olkinyei camp, Mara Big Five camp, Mariot camp, Sweet Acacia camp, Pride Inn Mara camp, and Kananga camp.

‘To all our visitors, you can still visit Mara, except those nine camps I have mentioned,’ clarified the governor.

He said that the rescued 40 guests have been relocated elsewhere, further warning visitors to keep off the flooded river.

Ntutu said that the county government will assess the camps that have been affected by floods to ascertain the extent of the damages they incurred before resuming operation.

However, Ntutu thanked all the multi-agency teams, including the Kenya Red Cross, t
he Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association (MMWCA), the Mara Elephant Project, the Narok security team led by County Commissioner Reuben Lotiatia, and the Base Camp Foundation for their swift assistance.

Source: Kenya News Agency