Measures to support low-income earners in Ramadan approved by ministerial working session


A ministerial working session held Tuesday at the Government Palace in the Kasbah and chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani approved a series of measures to support low-income earners and needy families during the month of Ramadan.

Financial assistance of 60 dinars will be provided to 340 needy families, for a total of 20.4 million dinars. Similar assistance will also be provided for Eid al-Fitr, according to a statement from the Prime Ministry.

The meeting also decided to increase the value of the Ramadan ration for low-income families who do not receive a subsidy. The value of this allowance will be increased to 100 dinars, in return for the mobilisation of a total budget of 4.5 million dinars. This is besides, increasing the number of beneficiaries of the Tunisian Union for Social Solidarity’s intervention programme, said the same statement.

The meeting focused on the ministries’ action plans for the month of Ramadan. The Ministers of the Interior, Social Affairs, Trade and Export Development, Agricul
ture, Water and Fisheries, Health, Transport, Tourism and Religious Affairs, as well as a representative of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, presented their ministries’ action plans for the coming month of Ramadan, in the presence of the Minister of Finance.

During the working session, it was also agreed to step up activities to raise consumer awareness on proper food handling techniques in order to prevent the associated risks.

It was also decided to implement a specific control programme to ensure the safety of food products at all stages and to take the necessary measures to deter offenders in accordance with the legislation in force.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse