Media Asked To Uphold Ethical Journalistic Reporting


Journalists in Kenya have been tasked to continuously seek the correct information during their reporting as this was the only way of keeping the country united amidst various challenges facing traditional journalism today.

Various speakers during the celebration of the International World Press Freedom Day in Kapsabet town, Nandi County, emphasised on upholding accepted journalistic ethics by always adopting balanced reporting.

Nandi County Government Public Service Board Chief Executive Officer Nancy Cheruto who represented County Secretary Dr. Francis Sang told journalists working in Nandi that had gathered in Kapsabet AIC Bible College to uphold the standards of unbiased reporting as Kenyans generally trusted what is reported in the media.

‘You are the agents of peace and that tasks you to always stick on correct information and ensure all that you report keep this country safe,’ Cheruto said.

The County CEO however tasked the journalists to report on rampant conmen who have swindled innocent Kenyans
their hard earned money.

Cheruto described the rate in which conmen steal locals’ money as alarming and challenged the Nandi Press Club and other journalists across the country to investigate alleged people who go round promising desperate Kenyans non-existent jobs after paying certain fees.

‘The media should help us in educating locals on how they can easily detect conmen who constantly promise locals non-existent offshore jobs,’ she said.

The Public Service Board CEO also expressed concern over the increasing number of people who have been conned money on mobile platforms.

She further suggested that journalists should the lead in informing the locals how to keep safe during their mobile money transactions.

Church representatives who attended the World Press Freedom Day thanked the press constantly enlightening Kenyans on various issues affecting them.

They also called on the journalists to stick to ethical standards reporting and maintain their trust which Kenyans have bestowed upon them.

The Interna
tional World Press Freedom Day was marked in Nandi after Nandi Press Club organised a march through Kapsabet town and climaxed at African Inland Church Bible College where a tree planting exercise took place led by the Kenya Forest Service.

Several partners also attended the celebration to mark the theme: ‘A Press for the planet: Journalism in the face of Environmental Crisis.

Source: Kenya News Agency