Minister of Foreign Affairs meets members of Tunisian community in Bahrain


Tunis: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, who is heading the Tunisian delegation to the Arab Summit in Manama, met Wednesday with members of the Tunisian community living in Bahrain.

The minister presented the ministry’s action plan and its continuous efforts to strengthen all aspects of care for Tunisians abroad, defend their rights and develop the level of consular services provided to them, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He stressed that Tunisians abroad are an integral part of the country and underlined the importance of their contribution to strengthening Tunisia’s position abroad.

The minister listened to a number of members of the community about some of the difficulties they face, their ideas and suggestions regarding consular and administrative services in Tunisia, and their contribution to Tunisia’s development efforts, particularly the creation of investment opportunities.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse