Ministerial working session focuses on system of issuing and renewing passports for Tunisians living abroad


Tunis: The system for issuing and renewing passports for the Tunisian community abroad was the focus of a ministerial working session held on Monday at the Government Palace in the Kasbah, chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani and attended by Interior Minister Kamel Feki, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar and a number of officials from the two ministries.

The Prime Minister stressed the need to strengthen coordination between all stakeholders and to improve the management and administration of the passport issuing and renewal system for the Tunisian community abroad, through the digitalisation of services and the shortening of the time frame for issuing and receiving passports.

For his part, the Minister of Interior gave a presentation on the state of equipment and materials for passport production units in the country and abroad, according to a statement from the Prime Ministry.

Participants in the meeting also discussed various procedural and legal aspects that wou
ld facilitate access to various consular services for Tunisian citizens living abroad.

After discussion and deliberation, it was decided to provide the necessary number of new passports for the coming period, while exceptionally shortening the deadlines for the provision of consular services.

It was also decided to limit the time limit for issuing passports to 15 days in the case of retained files, with the agreement of the Ministries of the Interior and Foreign Affairs.

It was also decided to adopt a unified communication strategy between the Ministries of the Interior and Foreign Affairs with a view to informing Tunisian citizens at home and abroad of all updates and information relating to the provision of administrative services, particularly consular services.

It was also decided to continue the current practice of issuing courtesy visas by the heads of diplomatic missions, pending the revision of Decree No. 198 of June 22, 1968 on the regulations governing the entry and residence of foreigners in Tu

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse